By ksmith - 09/08/2011 04:59 - United States

Today, I finally noticed that my wife only shaves her bush when she goes on "business trips." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 865
You deserved it 5 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bluebird0020 2

Ouchhhh. Sorry dude. Nothing funny about that.

That's when you go stalk her, see if she's cheating, then have a "buisness trip" to a divorce lawyer


Have a talk with your wife about her personal hygiene and how you've noticed she doesn't 'wipe herself properly'. Also be sure to negatively comment about other bodily scents like b.o & saliva, and criticize her hair & teeth. She'll be such a nervous wreck & so critical of herself, she'll never stray (or step outside the house) again. it seems cruel, but she deserves it.

LinTurk 4

Then she would go **** more guys just to prove shes still got it. Bad Idea. Instead, Make her jealous to the point she doesn't want to leave you home alone.

a_lenzmeier 11

Ouch. Hopefully your wife is a bikini model. If not op, follow her on her next trip, get hard evidence, and cut your loses. Hopefully you signed a prenuptial agreement.

EvilDave 13

I am sure that will make him feel better when she turns up pregnant or gives him an STD, maybe HIV.

She is obviously cheating on you... What's her number?

SteelCladAngel 0

Maybe if you noticed the small things like that before she wouldn't have started going on these...."business trips"

Ilawlatu 2

She be slurping some other dick