By Anonymous - 12/08/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, I finally told my mom I am a lesbian. She started laughing and said 'Good one honey'. I told her I wasn't joking, and she took my face in her hands and said 'You ARE joking!' Then she left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 495
You deserved it 10 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

11, YES. After that comment, none others matter. OP, just use this as an excuse to take everything she tells you to do as a joke. Everything. Ask her forr cash, if she says no, take it and compliment her on her skills as a comedian.

I think you mistyped it so I fixed it. She took my face in her hands and said "These aren't the droids you're looking for"


Congratulations on coming out. :) Sorry that your mum couldn't accept it, give her time, she'll come to her senses.

Sadly, I doubt that will be the case since her mom seems to be trying so hard to stay in denial. Not everyone has understanding parents that love you for who you are, not for who your boyfriend/girlfriend is. I certainly hope for the best, though.

She might come around. My friend tried to tell her mom, and the response she got was "no you're not, you're not allowed to be." She is starting to sort of come around to the idea. It'll take your mom a long time if she does though.

God made Adam and eve. Not Adam and Steve ..... Sorry just had to say that. I don't blame you for liking women ^^

cybely 0

God is dead and your religion is the worst thing that's ever happened to this world. "God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" is one of the rudest things I've ever heard. First of all, you're basing your religious views off a bumper sticker, which is stupid. Then you're using some made-up story that's completely absurd to make another person feel bad. DIAF.

it's not rude, it's just very very ignorant and stupid

Polionixon 2

lol this is funny just because of the movie "But i'm a cheerleader" if you've seen it you know. hahahahaha so anyways I'm just saying don't jump on my bones for this one but... really if you were open minded you would see that it's just silly to actually think that god existed or even "Created" humans. Evolution is the truth. Their is actually hard evidence. What do we have on god besides the bible? Which is more than likely fake anyways. God was created basically for the fact that if we didn't have some sort of sense of where we go after we die their would essentially be chaos. But then again, this is just my opinion believe what uwill :P OP: your moms a bish.

travelbug89 0

What if God created evolution? I fully agree, evolution exists. But I see no reason why that means God can't. Sure there's no hard proof that s/he does, but there's no proof s/he doesn't either.

monnanon 13

You know if that were true then the human race would have died out due to a very very small gene pool. Plus the fact that we would all be horribly inbred due to there only being two people at the start of the human race.

hbgoddard 0

#72, Of course there's no proof God doesn't exist. YOU CAN'T PROVE A NEGATIVE. The burden of proof lies on those making the claim. If you think God exists, YOU NEED TO PROVE IT. And thinking that God created evolution or God created the big bang etc. is just the God of the gaps argument, and it's stupid.

there is no hard evidence for evolution. that's why it's still called the "theory of evolution". Theory is not the conclusion. Plus you think that an explosion of two comets would actually create something as complex as life?

simplyabsurd 0

yes, actually. It's been proven that new forms of matter can be created when two particles collide at velocities approaching L1, hence why particle accelerators are so darned popular these days. But I wouldn't expect some one like you to know that, with your head stuck up the J man's butt all day.

new forms of matter does not mean life

TheCashMan88 0

No hard evidence for evolution? Have you been ignorning every bit of scientific data that we've collected since it was proposed? Also, if there is no hard evidence, explain to me how the HIV virus works.

ThisVampyricLust 0

Christians: You claim that your God does not accept homosexuals. How do you expect anyone to adjust their lives after this if you cannot even prove your God existed, or your Messiah ever did half of the things he's credited for? I respect your beliefs and all that jazz but if you're going to mess with the rest of our lives you better have something to back up your outrageous claims with other than "look at the skiiiies duude! It's so beautiful = god".

aceofspades6528 0

@ #126, stfu you middle school drop out

It is a proven fact that energy cannot come from nothing and energy cannot create itself. Something started everything, and science (potentially without realising this) has dicarded the big bang theory... Big Bang THEORY by saying the above. All I have to say is horay for Karma, a never ending chain of events!

GodBarack 5

#63 There have also been many studies proving the bible to be true as well...

PatRme 9

evolution doesnt say how the universe was created...

savvyslicer 0

oh so i'm supposed to believe the giant fairy in the sky just said *poof* and now our whole world exists? so maybe no one knows how the world began. the fact is, it's here now. we're living on it. and if something as impossible as what the bible proposes actually happened, then why can't there be fairies or mermaids or big foot or ghosts or vampires or werewolves or ANYTHING that's as ridiculous as the stories in the bible be real?

average_girl 0
Idontknow1234 0

God made Adam, Eve, and Steve. Everybody wins! :D

Not Eve if she was a lesbian. Then she would lose.

if i were ur mom i would have smaked the shit out of you an then gotten you a male prostitute... probably bcause u cant get a man.. bitchslapped.... by a 13 year old.

Yes, you totally bitchslapped this person. They should feel all sorts of shame. You are a winner. Of the Internets. If your mom thinks you're joking, then let her think that. She'll find out sooner or later and you can just tell her that you told her before and she didn't want to listen. It's her problem now.

If you were a mom of a bisexual/gay person and you did the above, you would die of poisoning, preferably a slow and painful one. Buried because you're a twat.

#45 What the hell is wrong with you? Saying things like that only makes it worse...

#45 are you 13? and if you are how in the world could you be so young yet so f***ing ignorant? im 13 and im gay and i just dont understand assholes like you

elsieenchanted 0

When I imagined this, I laughed. Her face would be like: Mom: No you're not :D Girl: Yes I am. Mom: No. Your not >:O xD O_O FYL though.

fxdxhk90 0

Bring home another chick, and make out in front of her.