By homeless4Christmas - 24/12/2009 05:54 - New Zealand

Today, I flew my wife, myself and three kids to pay a surprise visit to my parents who were going to be alone for Christmas. When we arrived, we found out they decided to go on vacation. We have nowhere to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 386
You deserved it 28 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ellowise_fml 0
Mutantking 0

Great job planning. Hotel Christmas!


First thing one does when its a surprise, and deals with a long distance travel, is to ensure that they will be there during that time. If not, then you don't have to travel.

Come on! Kiwi's know everyone. Sure you had somewhere to stay :)

TheZarola 10

Why would you FLY somewhere to surprise someone? Driving somewhere within a reasonable distance I can understand. But flying? Total YDI.

b_rad_fml 4

You were going to be dropping five people unannounced on your parents' doorstep for Christmas? I hope you were also going to be leaving a monetary donation when you left... But YDI

To all you who said he deserved it, it's a nice thing to do. Espescially on holidays! If they expect a phone call then shouldn't he expect one from hid parents telling him about their vacation? People need to think if others sometimes.

gatorgirl7563 22

Sorry but YDI for not calling just to casually ask them what their plans for Christmas were. It was a nice gesture, though.

I would have called to see what their plans were plus you're dropping five people in on them that need to be fed.

Should have called ahead, like the rest of the world