By dumpedandstranded - 15/10/2009 20:19

Today, I flew to Mexico with my (now ex) boyfriend of two years. It was my first time flying, and apparently I have a fear. I had a panic attack on the plane. When we landed, I got dumped for "causing a scene." I am now stranded in Mexico alone for two weeks with no hotel room booked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 854
You deserved it 5 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TriniRockStar 0

he's a duche he dumped you because you had a panic attack

satanstoystore 0

this is a win. you now know his true colors. better to know now then when youre deeply committed (kids, mortgage, retirement etc).


mia9_28 0

that's ******. im sorry to hear your ex was such a douche bag. Also, I agree that at the very least you now know his true colors.

M13LO if it is then it's cruel.. Leaving her and dumping and leaving her in a foreign country? Ouch.. It would never happen if she was my gf

least you found out you were dating someone like that and could move on to finding someone else eventually.

You're stranded in Mexico with no place to stay, yet you find a computer to write about this.

Uh, hello? This could have happened a long time ago. Just because it starts with "today" doesn't mean it actually happened today.

Dumpedandstranded isn't an account, and it says you're in Canada. Tsk tsk tsk, it's kinda fake.

She might be a Canadian RESIDENT! Haven't you ever tried to post an FML? You choose your own location. Duh!

all the commenters calling it fake are so dumb..

You cannot leave mexico without finding him and ******* HIM UP!! You don't fly someone to another freaking country and leave'em stranded. Are you kidding me?

wow that is harsh, what a jackass im sry *hugs*

So you don't try to find a place to stay, you gotta rush on FML to post this? Loser.