By IAmACoolCat - 05/07/2011 16:41 - United States

Today, I found my dad using my bathroom. Why? Because he "had to take a crap" and didn't want to stink up his own bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 518
You deserved it 4 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I happen to be taking a crap right now

who pays for the bathroom? I think it is HIS bathroom....


TheRealHouse 7

what everyone fails to realize here is that dad didn't do it because it's HIS house, he did it so he wouldn't piss off MOM and stink up HER bathroom..

polishboy168 0

chill your probably spoiled anyways cuz you have your own bathroom

I just took a crap... and didn't flush. I share a room with 3/4 of my sibling haha they're screwed

ElainaCutsYou 0
MaryJane232323 9

go to his bathroom and do the same except this time say: "you were thoughtful enough to do it in my bathroom I thought I might just give you the favor back"

jouchebag 0

if it's his house, technically they are both his bathrooms. suck it up Princess.

Common sense would tell you to just not go in there..

I don't see how your lifes screwed because of this there's three bathrooms in my house and no one cares who ***** in what bathroom

pretty sure your dad pays the bills for he house so that would make it his bathroom until you pay rent or move out so suck it up and deal with it this is not a fml you're just dumb