By IAmACoolCat - 05/07/2011 16:41 - United States

Today, I found my dad using my bathroom. Why? Because he "had to take a crap" and didn't want to stink up his own bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 518
You deserved it 4 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I happen to be taking a crap right now

who pays for the bathroom? I think it is HIS bathroom....


IAmACoolCat 7

Yeah, except you guys don't understand. He was in there for a half an hour.

TheRealHouse 7

OP?! Hi OP!! idk why but I love when the OP comments on thier own FML :)

so? his house, he can be in there all day if he wants.

dbt88 15

hope there's a working fan in there.

then take a big dump in his bathroom

If I had a nickel for every time that happened to me... I could build another bathroom. : /

You have your own bathroom!?! You lucky bastard :)

Mr. Perfect has to poop too, he's human.

Winning_Duh 0
ripjohnlennon 5

get the **** over it dude, it's his house..

Why are you complaining? You have your own bathroom. My house only has ONE and we all share it. Try having to use it after both your dad and brother use it. Ugh...I hate burrito night at my house.

Khyle1396 0

I'm scared of burrito night. X_x

Have you tried using a bathroom after it becomes a fishmarket? It is NOT just men who can make a bathroom smell.