By Thanks Honey - 05/06/2013 15:08 - United States

Today, I found my husband farting on my pillows, bare ass. His only words were, "This isn't what it looks like." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 602
You deserved it 5 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go into the bathroom and clean the toilet with his toothbrush then be like "this isn't what it looks like"


KrazyChica 3

And he thought that was the way to get it?

SystemofaBlink41 27

I can tell you, it really doesn't work... If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go cry now.

Lmao! Then what does it look like??? His version of dry cleaning the pillow cases?

That's when you wait until he's asleep, get in the 69 position and cut a good one in his face...when he wakes up and asks what the hell you're doing, say "It's not what it looks like!" On second thought, don't do that one because you'll never get oral again :/

Just wait for him to leave the room, then go switch the pillows. When you go to bed, just crawl in and say "Goodnight dear, pleasant dreams." He'll be agonizing over your revenge and not realize that it's already been exacted.

If that's love I'd hate to see what he does to someone he hates

You must have messed up his food. Its revenge.

thisgirl97 7

Lol Sorry but I laughed hysterically when I read this!

Two things spring to mind OP, either you are recently married and you informed your husband that sex was no longer happening, or you've run out of toilet paper and he didn't want to use those leaves to wipe himself.