By Anonymous - 07/03/2010 14:08 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out how mature the guy I'm seeing is. After sex, he took the condom off and hit me in the face with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 998
You deserved it 6 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hopefully u slapped him for that lol that's mad nasty


swearmonkey 0

Anyone else wanna do this to their girlfrirnd now?

twinkle_nipso_O 0

Haha! My boyfriend did this to me the VERY FIRST time we had sex together! After a moment of stunned silence we both laughed! best first time with a guy so no fml... but noone deserves that Haha!

jsturaveragegirl 5

Hoe long have yall been together? Shouldn't you know him better than that if you're havin sex with him?

kristah7 0

You should have punched him in the balls. Then grabbed the condom and made him eat it. I hope you're not seeing him anymore.

YeahCourse 4

That's foul! What a pig, I would dump his arse quick smart if I was u.