By Bridget - 11/05/2013 04:01 - Canada - Orangeville

Today, I found out I have something in common with three other girls. We all have the same boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 271
You deserved it 5 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now only two of those girls have something in common because he is dumped by you!

Hell hath no fury like 4 women scorned.


Is it just me who thinks that the guy should be admired for his virility? :)

Was his name John Tucker, by any chance..?

Wow man, I can't even get a hold of one girl to date... Howcome this guy can date 4 girls AT THE SAME TIME?!?!?!?!

May I suggest a little tag-team Medea, but with his property instead? Enjoy his sobs as his consoles or breadmaker or silk shirts gasp their last. (Obviously don't do it to really old consoles, they need to be preserved.)

Careycaryn1997 17

That ******* sucks!! Dump his ******* ass!!! I am so sorry about that too!! You can find a better boyfriend!!

RemyX1 7

Wow you think your extra girlfriends wont find out about each other but they do with Karma power.Then THEY PUNCH YA