By Grad2010 - 18/11/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I found out I will not be getting my class ring. The jeweler has a policy against doing engravings that contain "obscene or offensive language or phrases". What obscene phrase did I want? My initials and year. W.T.F. 2010. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 944
You deserved it 3 155

Same thing different taste


Haha what's your name? My Initials are WTF as well. Wade Thomas Ferrari. That's hilarious I've never met someone else with the same initials!

Weird... I got "**** me silly until you ******* die" engraved in mine, and the jeweler didn't utter a sound. Great night, though. We're all going to miss that guy.

ROFL FYL for having initials like that! But I wish my initials stood for something though too haha


myownbestfriend 0

1) Who the hell gets a class ring? I didn't know anyone who was lame enough to get one. 2) Believe me, once you're out of high school, you'll realize that you don't care about it anymore. It won't matter. High school is not some huge deal. who cares? 3) The only person I've ever seen with a class ring after 1960 was getting his ass kicked at a college party. 4) why wouldn't you just change the initials on the ring to just your first and last? most people don't use their middle initials. 5) fyl for caring.

What, really? Nearly everyone in my class, and the class lower, had class rings. My parents and their classmates had them, too (but most of them lost them or put them in storage). My teachers had them, but nobody but the football coaches wore them (lost/storage again). It's kind of a traditional thing to at least get one. Like... going to prom, getting a senior shirt, being exempt from exams, supervising pep rallies, getting free roam of the halls, exchanging photos, throwing grad caps, etc... Trivial? Sure, but it doesn't mean people aren't going to do it or aren't allowed to do it.

YAY FOR GRADs OF 2010!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D ...class ring tho..? weird.

heartlessagony 0

Wow, well it could be worse. I had a classmate who's initials were F.A.G for Francine Alice Gorgon.