By goodbye-college - 15/08/2010 04:12 - Canada

Today, I found out I won't be able to go to college. Why? My sister's horse needs surgery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 356
You deserved it 5 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knibbsy 4

You must end the horse. An unfortunate accident would work.

acantha69 0

Someone else paying for their college ed wasn't even an option for 90% of the people I know. Get a loan, get a job, pay for it yourself.


MustangFilly77 9

#187, some should do that to you! And FYI, horses won't sleep through you doing that, they're not logs...

I hav a hors and I had to giv up a bunch of stuf 4 it...mostly my time. But nothin THAT bad. I'm sory OP, but you cood alwayz get a skolorshipp, right?

sanitizzer 0

190 that is the greats comment so true.

agreed with 201. maybe also start wit nite classes which r cheaper?

ChicaChica5683 0

hope the horse feels better/gets better. ur being insensitive!!! I have a pony and if she rly needed surgery I would not go to college for her!!!!!:(