By knolan - 20/07/2011 04:40 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend has checked every girl he has ever slept with for 'vagina teeth'. I'm apparently no exception. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 405
You deserved it 5 818

Same thing different taste


don't want to send off his soldier to the jaws of death

I have a friend like that, all paranoid about teeth and hygiene, turns out he was gay...

overachiever2626 0

Haven't you seen the movie Teeth?? I think it's very necessary to check ... l0l!

deprived13 3

andfor that reason he still has his winky

teeth was a ****** up movie..I don't blame him!

I got through the first half hour of that movie, and now I'm scarred for life

miragliac 0

well I would too if i was a boy after I saw the movie teeth . DDDDDDX