By knolan - 20/07/2011 04:40 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend has checked every girl he has ever slept with for 'vagina teeth'. I'm apparently no exception. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 410
You deserved it 5 820

Same thing different taste


he must be disturbed and scarred for life from that movie Teeth, where some chick has teeth in her box and it bites guys dicks off.

twinkletoes747 16

at least he's not looking for pussy trolls


sounds like he's seen the movie teeth!

haven't you seen the movie teeth that shit ain't pretty

maybe he wants to see if they have cavities.

Lmfao I wrote this FML and no I have not yet seen the movie but I will soon and I've heard of ****** teeth lol. But he told me about his 'pinky' trick four months after our first time having sex. We have sex usually everyday. Sometimes multiple times. I figured he would have said something sooner.

Oh and just so everyone is clear. I DO NOT HAVE ****** TEETH. And no he is not afraid to get a ******** either. In fact... well that's none of your damn business lol and he is straight and does not enjoy giving or receiving anal lmfao just clearing that up. But No I don't have ****** teeth.