By bobby - 14/03/2010 03:17 - Australia

Today, I found out my boyfriend thinks I'm too high maintenance because I have a chronic illness which requires frequent hospitalization. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 771
You deserved it 3 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LoveUJustinBiebe 0

dump the asshole! dump him!

FYLDeep 25


First off, As you are not any kind of healthcare worker, you cannot say besides Cancer and kidney disease people are not in the hospital. I have End Stage Renal Disease, and spend a minimum of 3 days a week in a hospital, not to mention all the other times I must spend in a hospital, And there were guys who could not handle it, that is true. But thats not "high maintenance", and it seems like he just tried to make an excuse for not being able to handle it. All of us want to think that if we met a good person, and they happen to have medical issues, that it wouldn't matter because we love them. But fact is, if someone has a chronic illness, it is so hard physically and emotionally, it is hard. and it is hard for someone watch their loved one go through so much pain all the time. And it begins to take a toll on the other person in a way too..and we start to rethink it all and we do feel bad that we were not able to handle it.So for some, making up a excuse like "high maintenance" makes this guy obviously feel better, so its not his fault or downfall, he can push it on her, make it her fault. Which is just amazingly cruel. And, by the way.. if you do have a chronic illness you are bound to spend more than your share in a hospital, and it does not stay in the hospital you still must take care of it and yourself at home, it never ends. Famous quote "if you can't handle me at my worst, you can't have me at my best". And unless you have a chronic illness don't try to judge someone with one.

boatkicker 4

You're lying. Or else really ignorant about your own condition. Renal failure is a kidney disorder.

CheshireHalli 19

I don't see where (s)he said that it wasn't a kidney disorder...

XxSamixX 0

ID be so pissed girl. *** him dump his ass.

well you are high maintainance then. I mean ****, woman. if that isn't maintainece, what is?

stripedoctor 3

maintenance: (n) 3. care or upkeep, as of machinery or property: With proper maintenance the car will last for many years. ::: this implies that something that requires alot of maintenance would brake down and not last if maintenance was not availiable. Requiring frequent hospitalization is a LITERAL PERFECT EXAMPLE of high maintenance. Not that it is a bad thing, its just true.

letitbe56 0

Um, he may be an asshole, but he's not wrong.

I know how that is. my girlfriend left me for "not seeing her enough". and I have cancer and am also in the hospital a lot.

TheWaaaaambulanc 0
ChicaChica5683 0

wat a dick. he's not worth it. when u find someone who doesn't mind thar, they're the right one for u.

ClouDn9n 0

Heh. He should go to the hospital and get checked for Urmaanizduhmasfukaritis. Heard it's chronic.

I was called selfish because my ex wanted to date someone else, so I said to date someone I end up being selfish for that, I don't know.