By bobby - 14/03/2010 03:17 - Australia

Today, I found out my boyfriend thinks I'm too high maintenance because I have a chronic illness which requires frequent hospitalization. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 771
You deserved it 3 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LoveUJustinBiebe 0

dump the asshole! dump him!

FYLDeep 25


kelsirae 0

that sucks. I have kidney failure iv had it sence I was 5. I did have a transplant but it will not last me forever. and with my disease I do go to the hospital a lot. cause I have no immune system. and my bf is very supportive. he goes to my doctors with me, and takes care of me when I'm sick

So he doesn't want to be bothered with a girlfriend who is in and out of the hospital, that sucks, but at least he's honest about it.

loooooooooool_fml 1

Eh, the boyfriend could be thinking that you're too high maintenance, sure, but does that mean that he doesn't love you? I mean, if he has to pay for the constant hospitalizations, he'd probably be stressed about it, since money is still needed to pay the bills etc. If you're paying for the hospitalizations, dump him. Gah, this is why I hate FML's like this, too many assumptions ._.

He should stand by you, even though you have "Likes to Murder Boyfriends" illness. You ought to.....

rabeahafaiz 0

boyfriend is an ass hole. dump his sweet little arse

wow maybe that's why my sisters ex fiance left her to almost die...

YDI for not understanding the meaning of "high maintenance".

Unfortunately he has a right to feel that way. probably not the right guy for you.

jdee22 2

I know the feeling, I too have a chronic illness and after a few months my bf didn't think he could handle it and we broke up... However, that was 2 years ago and we're now engaged. Love does conquer all, and if it's meant to be- the guy will love you for who you are and look past your illness.

Astraea 0

You are not alone, my ex once said something similar to that for my allergy i get every spring due to the awakening nature. He was such a dumbass, gosh.