By bobby - 14/03/2010 03:17 - Australia

Today, I found out my boyfriend thinks I'm too high maintenance because I have a chronic illness which requires frequent hospitalization. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 771
You deserved it 3 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LoveUJustinBiebe 0

dump the asshole! dump him!

FYLDeep 25


I know exactly what you mean. I have two chronic illnesses and both tend to land me in the hospital quite a bit. My last boyfriend couldn't deal with the effects of the illnesses so he dumped me. Now I'm with a fantastic guy who cares so much about me that he offered to stay with me during an episode even though he would have been late for work. I told him to go, of course.

CountDuk 5

and ur account name is Bobby? gay perhaps?

Splayd 10

I'm not certain, but I suspect that living in "Australia" has something to do with it.

redbeater 5

why are you so mean to him! Poor guy!

How does having a high maintenance problem problem mean you aren't high maintenance? *shrug* Whatever. FYL for having to deal with both your chronic issues and your old BF, but he has as much right to leave you as you do to find a boyfriend who can actually appreciate you. Shit happens. It's how we handle it that matters the most.

ashbee89 0

Wow, dump his ass. Also, FYL for dating a douche.

if this situation is anything like mine, then she really isn't all that high maintenance. The problem with having medical conditions is that you CANT HELP IT. There's not much you can do but accept that you may or may not have to go to the hospital on a given day. Unless she's forcing him to go to the hospital with her every time, she's not high maintenance. I go to the hospital frequently too, but I've only asked my boyfriend to take me twice on account of knowing for a fact that I would be receiving pain meds and wouldn't be allowed to leave on my own.

I'd get rid of you too..... that is unless while at the hospital you could do some sexy roleplaying. what do you say your the nurse and I'm the guy who's had a boner for 12 hours?

it'd be awkward if your dick was on your head :s have to wear underpants on both ends.. Underpants hat :D

She might be a whiny bitch that happens to have a chronic condition. Not everyone suffers silently.