By bobby - 14/03/2010 03:17 - Australia

Today, I found out my boyfriend thinks I'm too high maintenance because I have a chronic illness which requires frequent hospitalization. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 771
You deserved it 3 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LoveUJustinBiebe 0

dump the asshole! dump him!

FYLDeep 25


"your partner is an ass, break up." golden advice that applies to a high percentage of FMLs.

snickerdoodles is back :O, you were gone for like 10 flms!

@ 62 just so you know, thats normal. most people miss a few fml's due to more important things. In ex. work, people, school, life in general, etc...

lowcut 0

Count your blessings and be glad you're finding out now instead of later, when there's a rock on your finger. Tell him to take a hike. And give him a swift kick in the jewels on the way out, he'll need something to think about.

He will soon find out that a child is even higher maintenance. It's like being constantly hospitalized. And settling down with a family? Why, it's the very same thing, you have to pay the mortgage all the time, and you can't really move anywhere from one place. Are you certain that you want the one who has no stomach for this sort of thing?

Yeah and you have to share the toilet too :(

Op.. High maintenance for who? He's not paying your medical bills, I'm pretty sure your insurance is. If you have a chronic illness then he should've understood it from the start. He clearly had two options at the beginning of the relationship. 1. Be supportive and stand by his girlfriend or 2. Walk away. Him bitching isn't going to cure your illness. Although getting rid of his unsupportive ass would get rid of some not needed stress.


it's like what my dad always says. ******* COMMIES!!!!

I'm in the same boat as the OP (minus the boyfriend atm) and it's a lot more stressful than it seems. My ex always tried to be supportive but after a while he started getting impatient and angry because I was getting sick every time we went out. No matter how much the other person tries to understand you'll still both have to deal with a heck of a lot of stress that your ordinary couple doesn't have to deal with. Your partner will get frustrated too. It's not easy for them either and you have to keep that in mind.

There is a curb somewhere that has his name on it OP, I suggest you kick him there.

lol When I read 'curb' I was thinking curb-stomp. Oops ^^;