By Anonymous - 05/02/2011 06:07 - United States

Today, I found out my dad ate my pet rabbit two years ago. He said he ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 349
You deserved it 4 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow... eating rabbits is normal but eating your childs beloved pet rabbit is SICK! the fact he ate the pet his daugther had cuddled and loved and would have hated to see die..... killing your kids pet is plain sick nomatter where ó_ò


iluvmusic8128 0

g-d, wat r u gonna do wen he eats ur mom?

greenorange75 8

Jeez! Is your father Welsh or something?!

You know what? I'm utterly speechless right now. Punch that motherf****r in the stomach. Definitely, FYL. And tell him he's a sick f***.

At least rabbit is a relatively commonly consumed meat. If it was your pet rats, then it probably would have been time to sit him down for a talk.

lovesuicide 7

Everyone keeps joking with me saying that my new baby rabbit looks delicious. If someone actually ate Flapjack, I would be scarred. :(

I have a rabbit, and this makes me so sad :(