By Goodie - 09/09/2009 04:13 - United States

Today, I found out my ex bought a digital camera, an iPod, and a large flat-screen TV, all purchased with the alimony I'm paying him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 777
You deserved it 7 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People do marry people they want to stay with forever. But then real life happens, circumstances and people change, and it can become impossible to be together without being miserable. Check your judgemental, ignorant, uninformed attitude, dude. Let people handle their own affairs without being sneered at.

#2 and #13, the point of alimony is that you give money because they need it. If he's buying things that aren't necessities, then it looks like she's just losing that much money.


bosshaug 0

(demonic voice) ydi for eating pancake syrup on waffles

it's NOT her money. she got married. it's his money too. marriage means something.

capthavoc123 0

You shouldn't have married someone you weren't going to spend the rest of your life with. Sucks to be you.

can anyone tell me what happens when the spouse paying alimony loses his/her job?

BigGuy99 0

Is this Anne Heche? Cuz she was going off about being bitter too. Hi Anne! You are nuts!

lovesucksxxx 0

I work at Best Buy so this is all good news.

abour ******* time some guy is doing this.

yeah child support usually is meant to help support your child, not getting your fat ass pampered

alimony is different than child support. he can use it on whatever he wants.