By mystery - 07/12/2013 21:55 - United States - Minot

Today, I found out that I take long enough showers for my boyfriend to sleep with my sister and put everything back to normal before I get out. I found out when I needed more shampoo that was in a shopping bag in my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 729
You deserved it 5 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either you have really long showers or he is really quick. Either way, bad luck but good riddance.

SexySlayer1248 18

I'm sorry, I don't know which is a worse betrayal, your sister or your boyfriend


Tessa_11 19

Wow. What a terrible sister and boyfriend. Hopefully ex boyfriend now. Im sorry, OP

Your sister is your main concern, find out why she thought this of all things was okay, then take that and figure out what to do next. Forgive her or disown her, all depends on you. Him? No excuses get rid of him, they did it in your room for multiple reasons. To disrespect you, to make you finding out easier and to laugh at how you never notice. They both are terrible for that.

Boyfriends come and go, but your sister doing this to you is the worst betrayal. I hope you kick her ass or just distance yourself from her. How can you ever trust her again. As for your boyfriend I hope you did kicked him swiftly in the balls.

martin8337 35

Is the sister hotter or thinner or something?

I would've kicked both their asses! You don't deserve that.

an3ph 20

Aww. He must be able to take quick naps.

YawMoney 14

And That's why I don't like showering. You could get killed, paranormal activities or this.

sarahbevan20 11

Definitely needs a follow-up. How did you react , OP? Did you kick their asses?!

wowsaint 4
thatsucks4you 7

Haha he is a two pump chump!!