By Ariella - 29/08/2011 04:06 - Singapore

Today, I found out that I was adopted. I'm 46 years old with 11 real siblings and no one bothered to tell me until I found the documents in my dead adoptive father's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 853
You deserved it 2 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Midrash 5

Wow.. That blows. But I am sure he did it for your own good.

missL1z 5

Maybe to their eyes, you were never adopted and has always been part of the family. Also, we don't know what's the arrangement made by both families when they adopted you so it's hard to say.


Some people just don't like secrets being kept from them; especially about thing this big so it's an FML from that stand point. Also, being adpoted means he probably knows nothing about his genetic history which can be a big deal when it comes to any children of his own or potential health issues.

Why would anyone click "you deserve it"?? This would be devastating.

effarve 2

i never understood why people feel hurt by this... If they didnt tell you, then that to me says they loved you so completely they didnt feel the need to tell you you were an outsider.

it sucks not having known that, but maybe it was because they felt u were such a part of the family that they didnt want to burden you with that knowledge

FlyingLazerWALRU 0 could probably be worse somehow. At least you have a bunch of real siblings.

I don't see how this is fml. Were you loved? Were you treated equally to your siblings? I'm sure they wanted to tell you but after procrastinating for so long they couldn't get past their fear.

I don't see why people hate knowing their adopted. I would have no shame in that no one sure. so your biological parents didn't rise you. just think and be happy someone loves you, took you home, and care for you, calls you THEIR child. you could have been one of the thousand who are never adopted never loved by a mother or a father. raised by a system who is cold heart nonetheless,

YDI in place of "get over it plzkthkx"

I just means they considered you one of their own. They didn't tell you because it doesn't really matter. They raised you and taught you everything you know while your real parents gave you away. You should be honored to be loved so much be someone who isn't blood.