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By Ariella - 29/08/2011 04:06 - Singapore

Today, I found out that I was adopted. I'm 46 years old with 11 real siblings and no one bothered to tell me until I found the documents in my dead adoptive father's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 858
You deserved it 2 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Midrash 5

Wow.. That blows. But I am sure he did it for your own good.

missL1z 5

Maybe to their eyes, you were never adopted and has always been part of the family. Also, we don't know what's the arrangement made by both families when they adopted you so it's hard to say.


When you're between the ages of 0-20, being told you're adopted MIGHT have some affect on you. You're 46, the man who raised you is dead, and all you do is QQ about it? I didn't see anywhere mentioned that he abused you, so by all accounts it was a good upbringing. You ungrateful piece of human flesh, I'd be crying and thanking the Gods he chose to adopt you instead of leaving you in an orphanage or with your real parents whom might not have had money at all (at the time) to raise you. Grow up, 46 years old my ass.

How about you grow up you indesired piece of shit, the fml is about finding out he's adopted, and there's some emotional trauma occationally for not knowing who your birth parents were, and judging by the info in the fml, the op was born in 1967, adoption was mostly secretive due to the counter-cul

-ture (sorry, phone glitched out in the comment) and due to the fact that society had a very different view of adoption 46 years ago. It use to be kept quiet especially because of the stigma attached to unwed mothers back then. So please stfu you indesirable piece of human flesh.

missalice0306 19

Sounds like you're the one who needs to grow up

After giving a logical answer, I need to grow up?

Society had a very different view of adoption 46.years ago. It use to be kept quiet especially because of the stigma attached to unwed mothers back then. However don't let it bother you if you have a great family because what's the difference?

jaybirdrampage 0

He took it to his grave.... Cant get mad at him now

why the hell does it matter? why is this an fml? if thats what makes ur life effed, then i doubt u woulda survived if u weret adopted.

It might be more that they couldn't work up the courage. It doesn't mean they never thought to tell you.

queenb1621 21

We have a saying in Puerto Rico it goes "my mom is the one who raised me not who gave birth to me" I have a friend whos mom is his grand mom and she gets all the respect.. Y because no matter what happened to him, his granny was ALWAYS by his side. His mom never. So you shouldn't worry about founding out you r adopted because your true family was always there for you.

sylphy 0

Take it as a good thing, they loved you enough that none of them ever used "Yeah well you're adopted!" to trump you in an arguement. That's love, because unless you're one of the oldest of those siblings, at least one of them knew and never told you because they accepted you as their sibling.

I can relate. I'm 19 and I found out 2 months ago that I'm adopted. I also found out by finding my adoption papers. It really sucks :/

daydreamer244 13

you should make a movie about it. :)

Miss33_fml 15

Sucks that they never actually told you - but why should it make a difference? I'm adopted, have always known I was adopted, but my Mom is still my Mom - she wanted me, she loved me, she spent my entire lifetime providing for me. Not my bio parents, my MOM! Wouldn't you feel the same?