By Anonymous - 03/10/2010 18:52 - United States

Today, I found out that instead of having four wisdom teeth, I have eight. They all have to be removed as soon as possible, which happens to be over the Christmas break. I get to spend my whole vacation in excruciating pain and a swollen face to boot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 831
You deserved it 3 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lilllly_1316 0

& there's "sumthing" called spell-check. :)

Sorry, OP! That's an unfortunate anomaly. :(


damainzer 0

dude they don't hurt that much

Independantlove 0

sucks to be youuuu!!!!!! I never got mine!!! >:3  guess im just awesome like that, or you got mine ;) hehe I see pain killers in ur future. have fun xP

Sanchez2021 0

I only had 3.. And I also had to get them taken out during Christmas break along with a tooth on each side of my top teeth for my braces.. It wasn't even that bad of an experience. The worst part was only eating soup watching all my family eat real food..

Sanchez2021 0

I only had 3.. And I also had to get them taken out during Christmas break along with a tooth on each side of my top teeth for my braces.. It wasn't even that bad of an experience. The worst part was only eating soup watching all my family eat real food..

Sanchez2021 0

I only had 3.. And I also had to get them taken out during Christmas break along with a tooth on each side of my top teeth for my braces.. It wasn't even that bad of an experience. The worst part was only eating soup watching all my family eat real food..

honestly, your sore for 2 at the most. it's not bad

My comments are not showing up. Anyway, what I was trying to say to 74 is that: on the bright side, the OP would have spent the Christmas break removing his two dicks, or at least one according to 76. The pleasure of having 2 or 3 dicks is subject to interpretation. If the 3rd dick is orphan because it doesn’t match or it can’t couple with the number of hands, then we can speculate that the OP could or should have had 3 arms to match 3 dicks in order to achieve maximum pleasure.

Sucks! I had to deal with the same thing four years back, except I only had four. :( And the drugs wore off before my dad got the pain killer perscription for me, so definately get it on the way home!

whoever put you deserve it are a bunch of bitches, getting your wisdom teeth pull out is no joke, especially 8 of them, most excrutiating pain ever.