By anonymous - 03/12/2009 06:55 - United States

Today, I found out that me and my best friend are both pregnant. We live together, and both had one night stands with the same guy. Now we are going to be each raising his children in the same house while he has decided to "not get involved" and move to a different state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 775
You deserved it 82 708

Same thing different taste


So they will be same old brothers, that can say, they have two mommys :-) Lol... I want to see the mess when they will go to school :-)

HugoZorilla 0

Perhaps you two should just **** each other. With coat hangers. Remember, abortion brings out the little kid in you.

I know you meant it as a joke, but, wow, that made me sick to my stomach. This is an awful, terrible situation, but being a victim never justifies taking anyone's life, especially not two little babies who didn't do anything wrong. They're already victims (too).

ZeRage 0

if you were in their situation, i think you would see it differently. can't speak until you've been there.

ZeRage 0

and at this moment i doubt you could call them 'children'. i dont know the date of conception but if it was as recent as it seems, they are nothing more then a bunch of cells floating around which have no idea what's going on. nothing more than organic matter; no baby yet.

Haha, I'd hardly say that the girls are victims. They were not victimized. They got ****** and they decided not to use protection. A conscious decision and their fault (along with the dude's).

SFMember 0

Fact is if this happened as recently as "Today", as the site default says, then they're not technically children yet. Unless they waited until they could see their stomach's getting larger to get checked... Now the OP and her best friend had one night stands with the same guy. It happens sometimes. Neither of them, nor the guy, thought to use a condom. We call this stupidity. Should have told him you like to swallow, this would have solved all your problems, OP. Fact is, unless you're ugly or completely idiotic, or have only had sex once in the past few weeks, how do you both know he's the father? I'm not saying you're wrong or right, but if you've had sex with other guys, consider other possibilities.

People like her = People who have one night stands = people who statisticaly spread more diseases and unwanted pregnancys. Said behaviour is not speculation as the OP admits it in her post, it is infact a fact. So you learn to read you dumb (clearly slutty yourself) bitch and don't act like a hypocrite and insult someone you don't even know for trying to correct you.

janise 2

Technically you're nothing but some cells so by your logic it's okay if someone kills you.

so neither of you are smart enough to practice safe sex... or u are just dirty sperm stealers!

He HAS to pay support though... She does get to expect it. He is an idiot, but there are ways to get him to pay. BUT she is an idiot for letting his stick his weasel in her mulberry bush. And then in her friends.

startafire 0

"his weasel in her mulberry bush" - Ahahahaha, you win.

If he terminates his rights, he doesn't have to do anything.

bluedoll 1

Depends on the state. People who track down "dead beat dads" for support make a killing.

janise 2

She would have to agree to that. A dead beat parent can't just say "hey, I give up my rights!" and actually get out of paying child support. That's not how it works.

@265 Not every state allows the option to terminate parental rights, unless the baby is being adopted.

You are so nice. Everyone reading this needs to go away and think about how they can be more like ohnomama and less hateful and destructive.

xelectrickiss 0

wowww. well, lets hope the sex was good, at the very least.