By anonymous - 03/12/2009 06:55 - United States

Today, I found out that me and my best friend are both pregnant. We live together, and both had one night stands with the same guy. Now we are going to be each raising his children in the same house while he has decided to "not get involved" and move to a different state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 775
You deserved it 82 708

Same thing different taste


More like F your kids life! what the hell you gonna tell your kids when they grow up?! mommy is a tramp! and so is aunty dumb dumb? you both deserve it for being trash.

Poor kids, on top of it all, their father is an irresponsible *****.

so is the mothers as well, thats what you get for being slutty

sooverit01 0

This is crazy. And a bit disgusting. YDI.

hey at least they'll know their siblings. I'm sure you'll better off raising kids together anyway, the guy sounds like a knob anyway.

bittersweets 2

YDI so much for not using contraceptives! And having a one night stand with the same guy than your friend on the same night... isn't that kind of weird? You should be happy you both didn't find out you were HIV positive.

Children do better in a household with two parents. Only logical course of action is to hook up with your best friend now.

YDI. Unprotected one-night-stand? WTF? Abstinence-only sex ed., right?

Yeah i'm going to need to see some pictures of you and you're roommate, too know if i should worship this guy or not.

IndigoKitty 3

Both get abortions. there are enough ******* idiots breeding in the world as it is, and you two are clearly in that catagory.

Erniesduck123 0

category* I only really like to correct spelling and grammar mistakes when someone calls someone else dumb.