By Anonymous - 13/09/2009 02:44 - Canada

Today, I found out that my girlfriend of almost 6 years has put me in debt over $33,000. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 360
You deserved it 17 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lithium2 0
juega12847 0

So far, 15 people have clicked "you deserve this". Um, why?


try $327,000 worth of debt. A mortgage included.

I don't understand how you can just "find out" this after 6 years. She suddenly took out a loan in your name? That's either theft or fraud. If you mean that she keeps asking for stuff which you keep buying on credit and have only just added up the total, you really have nobody to blame but yourself. Women who are moderately self-reliant do exist in this modern age. My wife earns more than I do. And no. You can't have her.

blake50023 0

sue her but back to the ally way where you found her

jammer1379 2

you should be keeping better track of your finances so that doesnt just show up one day

Well.... She needs to get 33,000 pairs of shoes!

I ain't sayin she's a gold digger but she ain't messin with no broke ...

learn to manage your own money dude.

Shoulda payed more attention, dumbass.