By Anonymous - 13/09/2009 02:44 - Canada

Today, I found out that my girlfriend of almost 6 years has put me in debt over $33,000. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 360
You deserved it 17 232

Same thing different taste

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Lithium2 0
juega12847 0

So far, 15 people have clicked "you deserve this". Um, why?


I feel for you, OP. Had an ex-gf that suggested we get a joint checking account. I was young and stupid, so I agreed. Turns out she was HORRIBLE with money, and as I fed the account my paychecks, she drained it buying garbage. I only found out when I received a rejection letter from the National Archives/Copyright office for insufficient funds. I was submitting my band's collected works for copyright.

Well if you never sporadically monitored your finances then I'd say you deserved it just a little but on the other hand what a gold digging bitch for taken advantage

Wow the only thing I can say is at least you kno how much

Reminds me of this awful quote I heard: " A woman can make a man a millionaire... if he started out as a billionaire." should have noticed some Red Flags if it was her expenses and it it were your's then you have a problem.

Holy crap, it's time for a new girlfriend. Bonus points if you can send that debt packing with her so she suffered the consequences and not you.

Michaelaarnett 22

What the freak has she been buying?

Fyl but I have a question, how did ou not notice it? Did she put you in debt all at once or over the period of 6 years?