By Anonymous - 13/09/2009 02:44 - Canada

Today, I found out that my girlfriend of almost 6 years has put me in debt over $33,000. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 360
You deserved it 17 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lithium2 0
juega12847 0

So far, 15 people have clicked "you deserve this". Um, why?


megaboy 0

my mom has put my father who lives on disability in debt over $100,000 in the past 3 years. she hasn't worked in many years. she shops every day.

dandymidori 0

haha Imagine what she'll do to your pocket if you keep dating her... And if you marry her? Hah, good luck.

ydi because you should be checking your credit score every year , if not every 6 months!

She's gonna break up with you cause you're broke. Trust.

Wait, is it because you spent all your money on her because she asked you to, or because she stole your credit cards? How could you let this happen?

MakinBacon 0

Is this some sort of new viral marketing campaign by

Wow, didn't you see the commercials?

6 years and she's still just your g/f? If she's not marriage material stop dragging the poor girl on!

Congrats on finding a gold digger I hope she's now your ex-girlfriend.