By Oblivious - 08/05/2009 19:39 - Kuwait

Today, I found out that my husband named our daughter after his favorite porn star. FML
I agree, your life sucks 155 946
You deserved it 16 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fyourl 0

I think I'll name my daughter Raven Riley.


Name your future son, that ex that every once in a while you wonder what would have been, and dont tell your hubby :)

MOL_fml 0

Name your next child after a Jonas Brother just to piss him off.

C_Wicked27 0

Wow, you married the classiest guy in the universe. FYL.

neworleanz9thwd 0

This post was halarious yet also disturbing. Does this mean whenever he see his daughter or calls her name he thinks of his favorite **** star??? You should watch him closely around her....

ur husbands a creep. keep ur daughter away from him lol and f her life more than urs :P

Wow, if only you had nine months to figure that out beforehand. Seriously, how did you NOT know that?

Could be worse. His favorite **** star could've been male.

dantheman_fml 0

#30 i was thinking the same thing.. hahahahahahahah " i cant believe you let me name her after my fav pornstar" " wtf when did i agree to that "....

HAHAHA!!! I'd do the same just to see if my wife would catch it! AND #64 #65 are BOTH right, you gotta do that sh*t!!!

Wow that pretty much sucks. After hearing this though I have to wonder how my parents came up wiht my name. Yeah Chenoa Bree sounds like a **** star name to me!!!