By Anonymous - 06/02/2011 19:38 - United States

Today, I found out that my mom screams like a dying monkey while having sex. Even with my music turned up all the way, I can still hear her through our paper thin walls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 091
You deserved it 3 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you try to rescue her with your super soaker?

this just means you gotta do the same and scream next time so she realizes you can hear everything


Maybe if you got out more she could get that out of the way while you were spending time with friends etc...?

IHeartJimi02 0

I agree. If op went out more then many mom could have sex when he was gone.

get a life and you won't have to Hear it

I don't know if its the way you worded this op. But this made me lol....

JosieBongs 0

That's disgusting. I hate it when people don't try to keep their shit on the dl. I would've started banging on the walls or something else utterly stupid just to piss her off.

mamas likes bananas:D sorry i couldn't help myself:P

Pfft, she's not really THAT loud. I'm pretty sure your parents just took a page out of the XKCD handbook and built an elliptical reflector dish to amplify and direct the sound of their having sex towards you.

Yeah, sorry about that. She said I was bigger than most of the men she brings home. I had no idea she would be so vocal.

haha that is funny but I feel for yu

You're assuming that's your mum making the sound. Personally I'd check your trash cans for monkey corpses before making such accusations.

And what exactly does a dying monkey sound like?

WallyTheWombat 0

Is it dying peacefully or being beaten with a sack of old diapers? I'd imagine they make different sounds.