By jellybean_94 - 15/08/2009 04:33 - Canada

Today, I found out that my parents are first cousins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 137 447
You deserved it 7 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This happens more often then you'd think. But still, FYL.

My parents are first cousins too, lol, I turned out fine. Just don't go off with your first cousin, there will probably be some trouble there :P


Dakarads 0

same! lmao. most likely arabs..

You know, if we're going to use your logic #34, then you're kind of screwed in the marriage/dating department. According to your beliefs, (as expressed in your comment) Adam and Eve were the first humans God put on this earth, correct? In the Garden of Eden? Well, if that's the case then that would make us all "related" since every human descended from Adam and Eve. Let's hope you've never dated before, or the irony here would just be too much to bear. That is, if we're following the logic you were using when writing your post. And since you seem to be labeling yourself as a "Christian," then wouldn't it be considered a sin to curse? If I recall correctly, "bullshit" is a curse word. And wouldn't it also be looked down upon to react so angrily to a simple comment on a website? Isn't it written that you should portray the Fruits of the Spirit, including love, peace, and kindness? Those traits are obviously thrown out the window with the phrase: "God is far more intelligent than any of you liberal morons." I'm sorry, but has God chosen a political party to side with? I wasn't aware of this, could you point out to me where that was written in the Bible? It doesn't seem to be in my version. And wouldn't it be considered "unholy" to be associating yourself with such a "negative" website filled with fortification and cursing? I suppose you could consider it "yoking yourself with nonbelievers," if we want to roughly quote the Bible you seem to think you're following. Although, it is interesting how you think you know so much about God and the Bible and with that feel as though you can judge all of the people on this website. Isn't that a poor portrayal of God's all-encasing love? Aren't you suppose to be reaching out to those who don't believe with the love and affection that God himself has shown you, according to the Bible? And isn't it written that you shouldn't judge others? Maybe you should check up on that. And seriously, are you evoking science in your comment? After all you just said about religion? Since you stereotyped all of us so nonchalantly, I think I'll go ahead and put you in a group myself. It seems that you think of yourself as a "Follower of Christ," correct? Well, stereotypically, don't Christians disagree with science, since it can be used to seemingly "disprove" the Bible? I find it fascinating that you used both to try to prove your point. Though you didn't fool me, presenting the facts of science blended so stealthily together with your religious points doesn't trick my brain into thinking of all of the comments you made as facts. Good effort though. I'm so tired of "Christians" and their hypocrisy. I'm still trying to see if I can find a Christian that can convince me that they're not all the same, then maybe I'll consider pursing that path again.

You deserve it for being an inbred freak!

Let's just say if we was rabbits, we'da prolly jumped out of the same bush.

inkedshadow 0

i don't see how you deserve it? so far you have 500?! thats crap! its not your fault...i do agree FYL

YDI for jamming out to the Jonas Brothers last night.

Really. OP has a career playing Duelin Banjos.

Six fingers on each hand? That's awesome! You should play a musical instrument! :D

Viexdexmerde_fml 0

Thanks! I wish, but they removed my extra fingers shortly after I was born.

Oooo... they did it without your consent? That's interesting. What would you have done? Any chance it was the rarest form of polydactyly, with the middle finger perfectly replicated? ;)

Viexdexmerde_fml 0

I probably would have done the same, it would have been very painful growing up, children are very cruel when it comes to things they don't understand or things that are "different" or weird. Lol, oh no not that form of polydactyly, though that would have been awesome, I had the most common: on the ulnar (little finger) side of both hands.

Yeah, you're right, kids can be awful. I guess I was curious as to what you thought about it now- you hear all those horror stories about parents choosing a gender for their child (clearly without their consent) when a baby is born a hermaphrodite or there is some kind of accident... your case is obviously much less life-altering, but I could see you feeling slighted that you didn't get to make the decision for yourself. Then again, clearly, they were honest with you about it and didn't hide it, which helps too.