By lonelyhubby - 08/07/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, I found out that my wife had been debating leaving me for an old boyfriend from high school. They rekindled their relationship on Facebook, and talking on the cell phone. Both things I insisted she have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 468
You deserved it 12 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People really don't think out marriage anymore.

holy shit. this is happening to my mom and dad, my dad's the one hooking up with the old girlfriend from high school. bullshit! I hate unstable relationships!


rakhil11 7

38- i wonder what the real statistic 4 that is? OP: that sucks.

DrkPrincess 0

my husband is doing the same thing.

this is exactly what's happening to my parents, with a few more details...

Jessj958 19

I feel for the situation, I really do BUT am I the only person who sees something wrong here? You insisted she have a Facebook and a cell phone? She's your wife and a human being! I don't think she should have to have your permission to have either of those things. No I do not think that makes the situation any better- I am in total agreement that what she did was wrong. She should have never put herself in a situation like that. It seems to me she has no respect for you or the meaning of marriage. I know this was posted a while ago, so whatever happened in the end I hope it all worked out for you.

Where did you get that she needed his "permission"? There's nothing in there to indicate permission was needed to have them.

ShipofDreams 3

you didn't deserve that just because you insisted. she is the one who doesn't deserve you.

jellenwood 35

Same thing happened to me!!

Not a very bright idea on your part, OP.

randybryant799 20

Why would you insist your wife be on Facebook? Maybe you're too controlling and that's why she wants out.