By Moose - 07/12/2012 17:06 - United States - Charleston

Today, I found out that storing a partially empty bowl of ice cream in the freezer overnight along with the spoon, and then trying to take a bite the next day, can have the same effect as sticking your tongue on a flagpole in the middle of winter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 600
You deserved it 31 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments


stephhrunsaway 21

Are you the same person who heated up a spoon over a candle and then put the spoon in his mouth?

kaileylovesyew 4

Well, yeah... That's logic. Maybe you should get some of this logic stuff I speak of Mr.Moose.

lmaouloser 5

Doing something stupid doesn't make you retarded. It makes you stupid. Having a disability makes you retarded, and that's a terrible word to use.

it's a sign, lay off the ice cream..or ice cream bites back

Um.. for the sake of chemistry and sanity I must say: False. Sticking a cold frozen spoon on your tongue does not have the same effect as a flagpole. You see, the metal of a spoon in no way compares to the thickness of a metal pole. Your mouth is warm enough to heat the spoon with in seconds, but with a pole your tongue is like a snowflake falling onto frozen ice. Maybe you just realized that freezers have freezing temparatures and will freeze things(yes even metal will drop to "freezing" temperatures) and then over reacted quite a bit because you were obviously unaware of this common phenomena.

unknown_user5566 26

I've experienced the same thing as OP before. My freezer is set to the coldest setting possible, though. I doubt the spoon stuck for a long time, but it's definitely possible for it to stick briefly. PS- Pretty sure the flagpole reference that OP made was a hyperbole intended to make the visual for us readers a bit more humorous. :)

Also who leaves their silverware in dishes that are being stored for a later date? Are you so in love with rock solid freezer goodies that you thought it would just immediately be edible because you left the spoon?

CharresBarkrey 15

I think it was more for the convenience of not dirtying another piece of silverware.

LOL! Had absolutely no idea that this would happen...I guess bc I haven't had the bright idea of trying this yet! Good to know though... Hope you became unstuck!!

winkydog4056 16

Um Moose, just one question. Why did you just not finish the ice cream?

KingCeltic77 18

I kinda want to try this now...

wagne057 6

Lots of saliva...that'll get it off.