By oopsies - 04/07/2011 09:11 - United States

Today, I found out that the 2 loud "firework booms" I heard were actually a guy shooting his dog on the unfinished road behind my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 583
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gabirolon 1

wow did u reported him????!!!!????? that's sooooo f..ed up!!!!


greekamericanpri 2

oh please it's not that big of a deal the guy prob had to put him down and if thts not the case and the guy was trying to make the poor dog suffer then he is an ass and prob going to burn in hell end of story

sex_and_drugs 11
HunterAlpha1 8

not everyone has the money to have the vet put down their dog. a 9mm cartridge is alot cheaper than a vet visit and a syringe full of poison.

flemingo 0

wow that dudes a duck, y nit just give it away.

shoot the ************... i really dont see why people get pets if they are gonna treat them like that. you could give it to a friend or sell it. dont shoot the poor thing!.

Snomel 2

Did you find out why he did it? It's possible he had to put it down, and was brought up with the idealism of "It's your dog, it's your job to take care of it if it's suffering", or he couldn't afford to have it euthanized.

you seriously couldnt tell the difference between a gunshot and a firework? but that sucks. FYL to the dog

awe:( thats soooooooo sad!!!! so true #331 FYL to the dog!