By alikat - 26/04/2009 15:13 - United States

Today, I found out that the noise I thought was a mouse in my room was a water bottle shaking when my refrigerator turned on. I stayed up till 4am looking for a mouse that didn't exist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 216
You deserved it 44 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

.... Stayed up till 4 seems exaggerated. Depending on what time you started looking!!

Why'd you stay up so late? A mouse isn't that big of a deal...


saranottelling 7

Why would you look for a mouse? Buy some traps and let come what may.

why would you assume its a mouse? this is dumb

cebl 2

Sooo... why didn't you just go to bed and look in the morning? not a big deal

DerpyDerby 3

Really i stayed up till 6 bc i woke up at 2 wow

LOL. For months I thought I had a ghost that kept turning my lamp on and off at night, I would wake up to the flash of light from the lamp most nights. After it happened a couple of times while I was awake I realised that it was whenever the fridge motor kicked on. It backed onto the wall that the lamp was against.

wrenavery90 12

I will never understand people who "look" for a mouse. You'll never find it and if you did what then? Kill it with your bare hands?