By Anonymous - 05/04/2014 14:27 - United States - Plymouth

Today, I found out that the squeaking I've heard for the past three months, that I thought was my guinea pig, is actually my girlfriend cheating on me with my older brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 613
You deserved it 7 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick your brother's ass and dump the girl.

I'm assuming the squeaking sound is coming from the bed, not the brother...


This is a good opportunity to begin planning your life-long revenge on your brother. May I suggest beginning by dropping a steamy turd in his pillowcase?

time for you to plot a little revenge OP, sweet delicious revenge

Some family you got there. Good riddance to bad women OP. I wouldn't even justify it with a talk with her. She's obviously not worth your time, and neither is your brother. I think anyone capable of betraying their family willingly for 3 months isn't family at all. He made it apparent an easy lay is more important than you, so I would cut them both out of my life. Don't let them pull the whole moment of weakness crap on you either. No moment lasts that long.

At least you have a wicked cool guinea pig to keep you company when you dump your cheating ***** :)

And to cheer him on when he kicks out his lousy brother.

Its probably because you have a Guinea Pig

If she sounds like a guinea pig, are you really on the losing side there?

89, how do you know? Have you ****** her too?

iAshelle 11

You can find someone who will be 100% faithful to you! Keep your head up OP:)

How did you find that out? Or should I not want to know

I am sorry to hear this OP. Family should respect you and who you're with. I hope you two weren't very serious for your sake.