By BadassRumbleroar - 20/01/2012 03:46 - Canada

Today, I found out that when you are sitting on a full bench at a bus stop, some crazy person will come sit on you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 589
You deserved it 3 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahaha that's happened to me before. I just pushed them off :)

I watched someone sit on a woman's bag of groceries. She had all her groceries on the last available seat on the crowded bus and refused to move them. He looked at her and said, "you mad bro?"


AllyyK 9

Not sure if someone already said this, if not I'll be the one to say it. Are you by any chance Meg from Family Guy? (For those morons out there who are gonna say something extremely stupid, I obviously know she's not literally Meg. Just reminded me of Family Guy.) I don't care if you don't think it's funny, at least I'm amused :D Hehe. Maybe next time I'll come up with a better comment for all you crazy no sense of humor 'FML..ers' HAH!

I probably would have given you thumbs up if you didn't have a big cry in it..

Nolnah 14

I sware. that allyyk writes hella ******* long comments! every time I see her comment it just goes on and on and in and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on! ;)

Call "rape,rape!!!! Maybe that person will stop doing that to you

Happens to me every day, even when the bench isnt full

The same thing happened to me but in a bus o_o and of course this stupid website won't let me post it...

Sounds like something fun that I would do! ;D

#73 Sitting on random people you don't know is fun?

FMLsOhilarious 6

Guess you don't get out much if you DON'T think sitting on people you don't know isn't fun (;