By loser doctor - 02/01/2009 11:14 - Philippines

Today, I found out the girl I was in love with has a new boyfriend. I blame myself because I believed her when she said she "wasn't ready" for a relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 087
You deserved it 4 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you thought that maybe she meant that she wasn't ready for a relationship ... with you? She didn't want to seem too brutal with having to turn you down.

There are plenty of other fish in the sea. Only, you're nowhere near a sea. You're in a desert. Starving. Alone.


sexiirexii 0

the same EXACT thing happened to me, TWICE

She didn't want a relationship with you.

I've done that more than once, but I was completely honest.

There are plenty of other fish in the sea. Only, you're nowhere near a sea. You're in a desert. Starving. Alone.

When someone says that they aren't ready for a relationship, it relly means that they aren't ready for one WITH YOU. Nothing to do with you, just be glad you didn't get into a long-term relationship with her and have it drag on for years and then fail horribly.

same thing happened to me over summer. she ended up being a slutty untrustworthy tramp anyways. I now have a girl I really love and who loves me back. FYL but you'll find someone

OP, you're not alone...bitches always say shit like that because they "don't want to hurt us" but they don't know the real pain is when we see they had to lie like that to us to get away from us. I don't see why they dont just say something like "No thanks, I've got my eye on someone else" I feel sorry for any guy who has to go through rejection like that.