By loser doctor - 02/01/2009 11:14 - Philippines

Today, I found out the girl I was in love with has a new boyfriend. I blame myself because I believed her when she said she "wasn't ready" for a relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 087
You deserved it 4 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you thought that maybe she meant that she wasn't ready for a relationship ... with you? She didn't want to seem too brutal with having to turn you down.

There are plenty of other fish in the sea. Only, you're nowhere near a sea. You're in a desert. Starving. Alone.


I've been hit with the same one from the girl I love I know the pain man

Your problem is that you're treating this girl like a store before opening, as if once she's open, she's open for everybody. She wasn't interested in a relationship with you, OP, and she is interested in one with someone else. YDI for thinking it was your fault that you DID respect her wishes and left her alone.

I really hate self-entitled shit like this. Maybe she wasn't ready for a relationship? Maybe she found someone she clicked with and didn't feel like she owed it to you to tell you (Protip; she doesn't. Especially if you didn't even tell her you're interested and expect her to read your mind.) Or maybe she just wasn't ready for a relationship with YOU. Which is something that's perfectly reasonable.

Don't ever date her she will cheat on you. She finds it easy to lie to you

if you hadn't believed her, would you have confronted her about it?? because that's ****** up honestly like just take her word for it and let her do what she wants to do

Emma Marshall 19

And? Why do people think just because the person they like is single, they should want a relationship with you?

she wasn't ready for a relationship with you. she was trying to be kind. ydi

wrenavery90 12

That was her way of telling you she wasn't interested.