By loser doctor - 02/01/2009 11:14 - Philippines

Today, I found out the girl I was in love with has a new boyfriend. I blame myself because I believed her when she said she "wasn't ready" for a relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 087
You deserved it 4 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you thought that maybe she meant that she wasn't ready for a relationship ... with you? She didn't want to seem too brutal with having to turn you down.

There are plenty of other fish in the sea. Only, you're nowhere near a sea. You're in a desert. Starving. Alone.


DuskfangZ 0

same thing happened to me a while ago. It's never good.

i know rite same thing happened to me but she ended up as a **** as she dated like 3 guys 2 weeks after i asked her

viviano4 0

Same thing happened to me today. and we still talk alot. i still like her alot. and i apparantly helped her get her bf when i was trying to show her how sensitive i could be. :(

Happens to the best of us. Now this is an FML, sorry op.

califormula 0

She said that to you so you wouldn't ask her out. looks like it worked

This happened to me not long ago. I soonafter started dating another girl and than found out the first girls boyfriend cheated on her and they broke up. I laughed.

rachilio 26

That doesn't mean it's your fault.

even if you didn't believe her, it was an excuse to dump you. she was obv letting you down easy. I use that line all the time. she's just not that into you. or, the fact that you're in love with her and never were in a relationship with her creeped her the **** out.

jman15x 1