By anonymous - 12/02/2010 05:03 - United States
Same thing different taste
Obsessed and possessed
By ugh just make it stop - 01/07/2023 18:00
Choose wisely
By limegreenpoopie - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Valrico
Database corrupted
By Anonymous - 16/12/2023 21:00 - Australia - Wacol
By Anonymous - 24/09/2011 09:12 - United States
By mybfthecrossdresser - 20/01/2015 15:08 - Australia - Scarborough
By DreDre - 12/12/2019 03:00
By Anonymous - 16/12/2011 14:18 - United States
By shouldveknown - 27/01/2011 20:15 - Canada
Plebs need not apply.
By chels - 17/07/2018 19:00
Money first
By Anonymus - 31/01/2020 20:00 - Canada - Warkworth
Top comments
My wonderful boyfriend plays Magic, spends his money on cards, and goes to tournaments most weekends (where he wins a lot of that money back). I couldn't be happier with him. He's a smart guy, has great friends, and isn't "wasting his life". I feel bad for your boyfriend for having a girl who can't look past a hobby and see the real guy.
Magic the Gathering cards are a REALLY good investment. Remember when you used to buy Beanie Babies? Well that was ******* stupid. Magic cards are where it's at. =) My boyfriend played before we got together and when we did I learned and actually enjoy it now. Don't be a dumb judgmental bitch.
53 I agree completely.
When I first read this FML I was kinda "eww" too, but considering that he could potentially win mega money at any of these conventions (if he's good enough) might make his hobby a little more tolerable. To me, saying that you've been "dating heavily" doesn't seem like you've really been with him for a long time, just that you've smothered each other for a short period. Try sticking it out, and remind yourself why you wanted to date him in the first place; you might find other qualities that make it so his card games and traveling don't matter. Plus, if you go to one of those conventions with him, not only will he be super duper happy (if you're not a bitch the whole time), you might be able to walk off with a winner. You could be a card game champ's arm candy.
MTG ftw!
It's been said many times but here's one more: It's just a game. Hey, why don't you try asking him to teach you how to play?
1. You don't even know what he likes to do in his free time? It sounds like you're just dating him for the dough or the wang, and judging by your wording about his money, it's just for the wang. So stop complaining about his personality if all you care about is wang. 2. You clearly don't know anything about magic based on how you "quote" it and call it "mystical." If you really want to make judgments about his hobby (but you probably don't, see #1), then do some research. 3. God forbid, guidos and ****** will make fun of your boyfriend for doing something that requires more than three brain cells in his free time!!!!!111!!!!111111eleventy one 4. What's YOUR hobby, if you actually do something besides bitching about intellectuals (while banging them)? Go to crappy bars and spend lots of money on boots and slutty tops and get wasted with expensive fruity drunks and dance to shitty music? Congratulations, you're depressingly average. You deserve whatever disproportionate disappointment this situation brings to your feeble mind.
Magic isn't "mystical" you idiot. It's a trading card game. How about you learn about your boyfriends interests before bitching about it?
So? This isn't a FML. This is you not being accepting of other people's hobbies.
"Some guy I'm not even committed to has a hobby. FML."