By roomingwithevil - 09/05/2012 23:26 - United States - Slinger

Today, I found out who my randomly assigned roommate was. Out of 10,000+ people, I just happen to get assigned a girl who threatened to kill me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 763
You deserved it 2 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ever watched The Roomate? Yeah, you probably shouldn't now! :-/


pfclunchbox005 1

You can get her arrested for that threat

She was probably trying to assert dominance and instill fear. You could also ask for another slightly sane roommate as I don't think everyone is 100% perfect and normal.

you got 1 out of 2.87 murders in the group

brevolorio 5

You need get yourself a bat to sleep with.

dtemple1110 6

Hah, just tell the cops and get a restraining order. That way, the people who assign your roommates will HAVE to change it.

fernclogger 5

You might as well say you are a cosmic deity and if she ever speaks blasphemy she will feel your wrath...

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Tell her the door swings both ways and she has to close her eyes too.