By kilamo80 - 27/07/2013 09:26 - United States - Clarkston

Today, I found out why we've had to replace 3 washing machines this year. My sister thinks that "huge capacity" means "load the washing machine until no more clothes will fit." It blows the motor every time. She's 31. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 473
You deserved it 4 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

Wow! She's a special kind of stupid isn't she? Make her read the instruction manual next time. Jesus.

Pstraka6 20

So does she fill her mug with coffee till it's overflowing? She's 31, it's time to grow up. Make her pay for it. She will understand real quick what the problem was


Ghazzie 7

Why are you still living with your 31 year old sister in the first place?!

There are many explanations to this. One being that the sister is special needs and lives at home, and OP is much younger. Why is that even interesting?

Teach her to read technical specifications... It's the first thing you do before you even buy whatever device, be it washing machine, tv, etc.

pittman137 5

I had a roommate like that. She didn't grasp that you couldn't vacuum up large things like paperclips and actual garbage and we ended up going through 3 vacuums. Some people just never learn...

yo, how long do you have the washing machine before she breaks it ? and do you two live together or something ?