By Anonymous - 14/11/2011 05:09 - United States

Today, I found pictures in my boyfriend's phone of our dog eating treats out of my mouth while I'm sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 297
You deserved it 4 655

Same thing different taste


I once found pictures of multiple naked girls on my now ex bo

*boyfriend's phone. including one of his ex who he apparently still talked to. please be grateful your dude is not a scumbag .. it could be worse.

Just because it could be worse doesn't mean she needs to put up with it.....

joecartoon2 2

Men need something to ********** to when their "piece of ass" isnt around,its not like we want to look at the damn wall i mean come on. Im sure youve looked at some **** in the days of your relationships that u were horny and didnt have your boyfriend there at command

joecartoon2 2

Oh shit im sorry i didnt know,i probably shouldve read the second comment before i commented. That changes the whole story

Awww:) that's true love right there! Between you and the dog I mean

Ydi, you should have definitely woken up.

It seems you are giving me the bird while you sleep stand in your picture. Why don't you wake up?

ryukk_fml 3

Take pictures of the dog licking peanut butter off his junk while he's sleeping and text them to him on "accident".

StopDropNRoll 11

What if he likes that? I hear some ppl like that

Randy84 10

Could be worse, he could have been giving the dog the treats out of your ass or ******.

Wayne913 13

That crosses the line from stupid prank to just plain sick. Plus, unless she goes to sleep naked, pulling her pants down would wake her.

joecartoon2 2

No ******* way,if anything most woman sleep in their underwear or pajama bottoms and a huge t shirt. You have to remember dogs have no hands so when they eat its gonna be a bit violent especially out of a small hole like the mouth.

That's only what you have found out about! Who knows where els he has gotten the dog to lick you!!! Some people are just messed up in the head,and need mental help! If he don't find help at charter,please,get him help somewhere.

It could have been worse, you could have found them on facebook.