By Anonymous - 14/11/2011 05:09 - United States

Today, I found pictures in my boyfriend's phone of our dog eating treats out of my mouth while I'm sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 297
You deserved it 4 655

Same thing different taste


I wonder what else he does while you sleep...!

Confront him, see what he says, and you might need to get him help and explain to him that he more than crossed a line there. It's up to you, OP, to decide whether or not there's still enough trust to make the relationship work, or to be repaired.

Ydi for looking in your boyfriends phone and you must be a very hard to wake up...

perdix 29

Why are you snooping on his phone? Perhaps you were wondering why you were waking up with a funny taste in your mouth?

turdtickler6 3

Dogs do have pretty clean mouths at least its not a butt licking cat

Sure, since the dog only sniffs a few dozens on every walk and licks it's own balls all the time. Much better than a cat.

You mean the same dogs that eat garbage and sniff each others' asses? Yes, that's quite sanitary.

Dogs quite happily eat shit, so stop talking nonsense.

Ha ha ha. Thats awesome.. your b/f is awesome. You know of course though... that this means war. Time to break out the peanut butter while your boyfriend is asleep and take some of your own pictures. ;-)

perdix 29

That could backfire. First, he'd probably wake up before the dog is finished with the peanut butter, and second, he might wonder why he keeps you around when the dog has so much more to offer ;)

At this point perdix, I think that is what the girlfriend is looking for. (The backfiring part, that is)

Good points Perdix. But either way the OP will have some ammunition in the form of what will constitute as evidence of **********, which although only a misdemeanour in Cali would still earn the OP's boyfriend up to 6 months in jail. Either that or she can just post the pics on his facebook or send it to his parents along with the Xmas cards. ;-)

Note to self: never piss off Jimboom aka Alphonse, hide all the cameras or photographic devices in their presence, and always have cookies/brownies just in case.

Ha ha ha. You know the score raphanne. ;-)

Calia061908 4

Lol I was goin to say the same thing

Your boyfriend must have a Fap Book on all sorts of weird objects stuffed in your mouth. Also if you've been falling asleep in the oddest times, now you know why.