By Anonymous - 14/11/2011 05:09 - United States

Today, I found pictures in my boyfriend's phone of our dog eating treats out of my mouth while I'm sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 297
You deserved it 4 655

Same thing different taste


Hilarious lol sounds like something id do

Vaginabutter 15

At least it wasnt peanut butter on your other lips!

You're dating him, you deserve it. Find a nice guy next time, they won't pull pranks like that on you

varkey 7

You didn't wake up? FYL though

imaweiner00 5

you are making a big deal out of it, is not like the dog's mouth haven't been in its crotch. oh wait

On the bright side, he wasn't doing any number of more humiliating, more disrespectful things he could have been doing if you're that heavy of a sleeper (or if he did, he spared you photographic evidence of it). Now DTMFA.