By Anonymous - 14/11/2011 05:09 - United States

Today, I found pictures in my boyfriend's phone of our dog eating treats out of my mouth while I'm sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 297
You deserved it 4 655

Same thing different taste


StromyG2 10

Think revenge, maybe hair dye in his shampoo.

17h17 0

Be grateful it wasn't of his ex

loveyouall81 2

Ewwww, that is so incredibly gross. You and your boyfriend need to have a conversation about trust and crossing lines, OP.

joecartoon2 2

Do any of you people read? She wrote "Ex boyfriend" not "boyfriend".

lovefml987 1

There is the saying " if your where to switch phones and computers for a day would you still be with them"

hateevryone 14

seriously, what the hell? i think it's time reevaluate your boyfriend.

Payback is a bitch. I hope you're creative ;)