By geeklove - 16/01/2012 03:30 - United States

Today, I got a Facebook message from the school genius/nerd, who I have never talked to. He politely informed me that after much thought and deliberation, he has narrowed it down to who his ideal mate is. Me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 747
You deserved it 7 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be flattered! at least you have someone. he might be your boss some day...


Is your problem that he's a genius nerd? Oh my god, you deserve it. If he's sufficiently maladjusted, socially, and has a totally disgusting or annoying personality? Put THAT as the fml. It sounds like you have something against smart people which is, quite frankly, really stupid.

I agree, alot of people who are hot are smart too

Uh, no, she never said she wouldn't date him because he's a nerd. That message is sufficiently creepy to justify any rejection he receives.

Well on the bright side, you have some one who you can do your homework or carry your books :)

nightwolf86 7

I'm guessing you are a shallow bitch and consider this torture. There is much more in life than your high school reputation. This guy may actually be nice and treat you with the respect a woman deserves. But you would probably use him then dump him. At least he was polite about it. He could have been a jock and said "hey baby you should consider it an honor to be my girl" and treat you like dirt. But then again seeing how shallow you are maybe that's all you deserve.

atomicmrpelly 2

You poor poor thing.... you realise this was probably just a prank and he's probably mortified about it? Dumb bimbo.

Well look on the bright side your kids will turn out smart!! Lmao

I would think of it this way of you say yes you might be made fun of a bit at school and of you are " popular" that might change but if you say no then one day he will be a rich million/billionaire inventor and you might be stuck in a shitty job that will be looking at the news thing you wish you said yes....

be with him. maybe in the future he is like super rich or something

Blooblibloo 4

Well, if he is a genious he is probably right.