By geeklove - 16/01/2012 03:30 - United States

Today, I got a Facebook message from the school genius/nerd, who I have never talked to. He politely informed me that after much thought and deliberation, he has narrowed it down to who his ideal mate is. Me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 747
You deserved it 7 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be flattered! at least you have someone. he might be your boss some day...


Your username is "geeklove" why are you complaining?

martron3000 5

If he's the school genius, he must be correct in his reasoning. Better listen to him, he might be the next Bill Gates!

tehdarkness 21

Go for it, maybe he's super cool secretly!

Danielt104 6

Typical woman. Always complaining about wanting a smart man, but as soon as a smart man loves her, she's too good for him.

If he's not half bad u should consider him he was nice enough to let u no and maybe u can help him from his nerdiness

After much thought... "Hmm those look like DD's, looks like a fine specimen."

Marry him. Remember geeks will make lots of money

cami28 0

Be flattered someone actually likes you

Kaitlyn_Mae 0