By geeklove - 16/01/2012 03:30 - United States

Today, I got a Facebook message from the school genius/nerd, who I have never talked to. He politely informed me that after much thought and deliberation, he has narrowed it down to who his ideal mate is. Me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 749
You deserved it 7 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be flattered! at least you have someone. he might be your boss some day...


You've never even talked to him and your going by the fact people call him nerds, if it where me I would be "FMLING" over the fact that his message was creepy. Could be a nice guy, straight forward. No bullshit that's always good ... Nice one OP

ignore him an just try to make him jealouse of u an another guy thats wat im doin it works

You sound like a shallow bitch. And very apparently, you can't spell either. *jealous *and *you *what *doing There is no way you are in a serious relationnship if that is your thinking process

Jaythe1st 1

Remember, Bill Gates was the school nerd/genius.

Shadow_Phantom 26

^This. @116: You sound like a bitch. :|

"Nerds" tend to be the most honest and genuine guys. Plus if he's really smart, he'll likely end up being very successful. I absolutely love geeks myself, they're way more interesting and you can learn a lot from them.

Lol a little straight forward but give him a chance

1: nerds are amazing im crazy attracted to them, always have been 2 WHATS WRONG WITH SOCIETY TODAY why would you not want to date a genious/smart person HOW exactly is that a fyi? inswear i dont want to have children if this is what the world is like.. disgusting.. it depresses me..

Um, that's fine you're attracted to nerds... a lot of people I know are. That said, you don't find what this nerd said the least bit creepy or weird? Personally I'd be a bit weirded out especially since he'd never talked to me before that.

well yeah i know i just couldnt get over the comments :/

Hey, at least he has the guts to say something!

Atleast his calculations chose you ;)

meirasanya 10

I have no problems with nerds. In fact, I'm marrying one. But FYL cos that is just creepy and slightly stalkerish. Although, depending on how "nerdy" he is, that might be his idea of uber romantic.

At least if you do decide to get with him and stay he will be rich and you won't have to work at all